Brother Dunford

Fall 2023

Finding Power and Strength in the Symbols of the Temple; 390r-ON01

Class Overview

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Class #1
The Lord's Use of Symbolism

What is your favorite gospel symbol? What has it taught you?
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Class #2
Learning to Get More Out of Symbols

Share a symbol insight you have found after digging a little. What application do you see?
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Class #3
Chapel Symbols

What have chapel ordinances and their symbols taught you about overcoming the natural man?
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Class #4
Significant Connections

Share an insight you gained in hearing these four connections. How do they help you see significance in your temple experiences?
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Class #5

What do you see are some of the more common Amlicite marks of today? Thinking of your temple convenants, how will you "mark" yourself for the Lord's blessing?
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Class #6
Coats of Skins

What are some common fig leaves that we use to cover our sins? What have you learned about removing and replacing them?
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Class #7
A New Name

What does it mean to you to receive a new name?
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Class #8
Cherubim and the Flaming Sword

What is your experience with Satan trying to tempt you to not "grant" yourself a chance to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow? What are you going to do to combat his temptation to be so hard on yourself?
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Class #9
Adam & Eve as Symbols

What do you now see in Adam and Eve as a symbol of Christ and His Church? How does that clarify something that previously seemed confusing?
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Class #10
Adam's Rib

What are the most significant insights you have gained from the symbolism of the rib?
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Class #11
The Nail In A Sure Place (Isaiah 22:23)

What is holding you back from more fully letting the Savior in and hanging all your hopes, faith, and trust on The Nail In A Sure Place?
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Class #12
The Compass

What circle is significant to you? What is at the center? What significance do you see in that being in the center of the circle?
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Class #13
The Square

What do you see in the symbolism of the square? What significance do you now see in the tool of the square?
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Class #14
Health In The Navel

What can you do to increase the flow of nutrients through your spiritual navel?
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Class #15
The Knee

What do you see as the difference between to two kneelings?
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